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How do I RSVP?

Please use the RSVP button on the top right.


When should I RSVP by?

We would be really grateful if you could let us know if you are joining us for the wedding party by latest 1 June.


Should we bring a gift to your wedding?

Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all. However, if you still wish to make a gift, a cash gift would be very welcome.

How to best get around Amsterdam and to the party location?
Within Amsterdam, public transport is typically the most convenient option. You can use Apple / Google Pay or your Debit / Credit Card for all modes of transportation, including For the entry and exit gates at all train and metro station


In case you're going to the party location by car, there are sufficient (~100) parking spots available for 5 Euro (destination address: Hangar Noord, Aambeeldstraat 36, 1021 KB Amsterdam).


After the party, Uber, Bolt or taxi are the best options, the metro system operates until 12:30am only.

What is the dress code?

The dress code is semi-formal - please feel free to mix in colors as you like, after all it's a summer party.

As the terrace at the party location has small cobble stones and some sand, we recommend to not wear spike heels and/or bring a pair of sandals.


Can I bring my kids?

While we adore children, we are planning for our party to be adult-only. Please reach out to us in case you still prefer to bring your children along. 


What kind of weather can we expect?

The weather in Amsterdam tends to be unpredictable. Of course, we are praying for sun. Keep an eye on the weather forecast here via Buienradar in the weeks leading up to the wedding, and please have an umbrella, sunscreen and jacket ready.


Where should I stay in Amsterdam?

We have agreed on special rates with two hotels in Amsterdam, please check under the accommodation tab.

Could you recommend other places to see, eat and drink in Amsterdam?

Use this trusted list by our good friend Victoria for all your fun plans around the wedding party. Please find the link to google maps here.

Can we share photos of the party on social media?

Absolutely, we will have a photographer taking photos and throwaway cameras for late night pictures - in addition, feel free to share your excitement with the world.


Do you have any further questions?

In case you have any other questions, please reach out to Ricarda or Jessica via the following email address:

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